The IncredibLees

The Misadventures of a family of superheroes forced
to hide their secret super identities starring
"Mao Tse" Hannah (6-1/2),
Chris (8), John (also 8), Liz & Jeff


Thursday, March 24, 2005

The Joy of Preservatives

Chris and I just made a white cake from a box mix. After I made it, I noticed a little packet of coupons still in the box. I looked through them, and in the back, with an offer of a free cookbook, was the notice that the offer expires September 30, 1994. That means that this box of cake mix has been through at least three moves with me. But you know what? It was delicious. And before you cluck your tongue at me for making box cake... I did make the cream cheese frosting from scratch. Partial credit. But now I'm wondering how long that confectioners' sugar has been in the pantry. And is vanilla supposed to be fizzy?


  • At 10:06 AM, March 25, 2005, Blogger Lizzlee said…

    Figuring how much it cost to move that may have been a very expensive cake. The way Jeff eliminated half your house before your move from (edited) I'm surprised you still have the mix.
    NOW---regarding mao
    What is this about Jeff not buying into your special relationship as parents? I thought it was suppose to be a team approach NO MATTER WHAT! I dont think he realizes that he is undermining your authoritity and treating you like an employee. Not to mention he is probably making a disagreeable child out of Hannah.

  • At 10:14 AM, March 25, 2005, Blogger Lizzlee said…

    Joan -- sorry, I had to delete your other post, because I can't edit out the name of the city, so I copied it and reposted the edited version.

    As for Mao, we're working on it. I've hidden the chocolates from everyone and just this morning, Jeff insisted that she could not go to work with him, and he stuck to his guns.

    I am still working on a website, but this is much easier -- for me!

  • At 6:15 PM, March 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh fine. You keep the box cake and give me four cans of corn. Not so good on an old person's digestion. Good thing I'm years from worrying about that. I like your new Blog set up. It gives us a quick glimpse into to the lives of our little loved ones. If and when I get the desire to get on the computer I will definitely give it a look see. Hugs those sweethearts for me!

  • At 7:48 AM, March 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How many times has Hannah gone to work with Daddy?


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