The IncredibLees

The Misadventures of a family of superheroes forced
to hide their secret super identities starring
"Mao Tse" Hannah (6-1/2),
Chris (8), John (also 8), Liz & Jeff


Friday, April 08, 2005

Finger Painting

Children love to color. They love to paint. They love to create. I had long since learned my lesson to buy washable paints and washable markers.

Hannah, at times, is a girly girl. And girly girls love to have painted fingernails. Girls like Mao like to paint their own fingernails. Brothers see this and want to paint, too.

So I bought some clear fingernail polish that they could all paint their nails with. (OH God, flashback to when I was pregnant with the twins and asked Jeff to paint my toenails because I could no longer reach -- the tears, the misery... and I was pretty upset, too!)

So we thought nothing of it when the children had their washable markers and wanted to "paint" our finger- and toenails with them. They're washable, right? It'll come off in the shower!

WRONG. They'll wash out of clothes, no problem. I got lucky, because I had had a clear gloss manicure earlier in the day, and the "washable" marker wiped right off of my nails. Jeff, however, had to go to work, managing his 70+ employees sporting hot pink fingernails.

It fits right in with his fondness for the Lifetime Network. Heh.


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