The IncredibLees

The Misadventures of a family of superheroes forced
to hide their secret super identities starring
"Mao Tse" Hannah (6-1/2),
Chris (8), John (also 8), Liz & Jeff


Friday, August 12, 2005

Here's New Stuff To Read

Overheard recently:

Chris: My Spider-sense tangled, so I dumped down real quick!

Hannah: See ya later, crocodile.

John: What’s a “panty ray?”

Hannah: (Playing with her toy horsies) Run, Diarrhea! Run like the wind!

The beginning of school is getting closer and closer, faster and faster. We did our school shopping this week, for supplies and new clothes. It seems like a large enough list of things you are required to bring, but when you multiply that by twins, it’s downright daunting. Twenty-four gluesticks? A hundred Ziploc bags? Six boxes of crayons? One and a half quarts of glue? HOW many pencils? What do you mean, “Already sharpened?!?!” OK! Fine! But send my kids home ALREADY GRANTED A SCHOLARSHIP TO AN IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL!

So, we got the boys new duds for kindergarten. Their first button-up (all the way down the front) shirts. Belts. Chris is loving it. As soon as he saw his new clothes hanging in his closet, he wanted to wear them, and told me he wishes he could go to school NOW. I suggested he wait until school to wear his school clothes, so they wouldn’t get dirty. He had other plans.

Later that day, he came downstairs dressed in his new slacks, button-down shirt and belt. He had that flirty look in his eye -- the look that says, “I feel SOOOOOOOO good-lookin’!! Don‘t you wish you could marry me?” He spent a few minutes with us to let us tell him how wonderful he looked, then went into the bathroom, climbed up on the counter to reach the hairbrush, and emerged minutes later with a suave hairstyle and his collar turned up. His collar turned up!! Where did he learn that? And didn’t people stop doing that about 15 or 20 years ago? He leans in close to me and whispers, “I think I am going to wear this when I go on my first date.” The night before, after a shower and a fine job brushing his hair, he informed me that I may call him “Chris The Handsome Boy” if I like, sometimes. Today, he has decided that he would like to be called “Christopher” from now on. He was dressed in his finery again today, and had to keep “going to work” all day long.

My little boy is growing up, and soon graduating from lifeguards to teachers, I think.


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